Tolerance by Aleksandras Melnik

Contrary to a common misconception, tolerance is not forgiveness  and being tolerant doesn’t mean accepting that all people are alike. Simply: being tolerant means to be able to see things from another persons’ perspective.

We should not judge people by their race, religion, gender etc. but more importantly we should not forget to look into the circumstances and motives that those people had. Very often we rush to judge peoples’ actions immediately,  without understanding what causes lead to them doing it.
There is one thing that can not be tolerated – people doing things that they themselves believe  are wrong. If someone knows that something is wrong and still does that, it’s truly immoral and wrong,  this should not be  tolerated under any means.Tolerant-New-Years
But if the person does something for a reason and thinks that it was the right thing to do we should never get angry with him, but instead, try to stay calm and understand  or perhaps even explain our position.
As I mentioned, tolerance doesn’t mean that ‘we’re all the same’, because everyone is different, but through seeing those differences we can understand others and ourselves better. We are also not equal, equal in our rights, yes we should be, but not in our opportunities. It is due to the very little details from the moment that we’re born, which give us some  advantages and opportunities that others don’t have, so we should never think about other people based only on our own experience.tolerance5
Even though, (perhaps) we will never achieve this ultimate goal of equality, we still can and that’s why we should understand that our personality wouldn’t change much, if we were born in other people’s bodies, raised in a different family or lived in some other places.
2To conclude, not all tolerance is right, but before judging we should think if we have all the information and simply try to put ourselves in the place of others. It is the only way that we can build a healthy society and be happy in our personal lives.

And what is tolerance to you? 

You should be a classical music lover! by Evelina Bankauskaitė

Nowadays an appreciation and love for classical music is almost lost. Not many people in our generation like such type of music. They prefer other genres. Young people often see it as a very old-fashioned, boring thing. Sometimes they even hate it. There is no doubt that such kind of attitude is extremely wrong and I can prove that. So find some classical tune to listen right now and keep on reading!

Various scientific studies show that listening to classical music has some pretty interesting effects on our mind and body. First of all, listening to classical music can improve our mood and lower stress. It has the same physiological effect of a massage.

Classical music causes positive chemical reactions in our brain that help with symptoms of stress and depression. Also, it helps to ease emotional pain, lowers blood pressure.
Another advantage of classical music – it can improve our sleep quality. According to scientists instrumental sounds, such as harp, piano and orchestra, help us to relax, fall asleep. In fact, it is very appropriate for meditation.
It is said that classical music can boost brainpower. Many researchers have discovered that students pass their tests way better when listening to such kind of music. It is known as the “Mozart Effect.” Those who listen to music take less time to complete tests, get more answers right overall, and gradually improve their IQ.

Who would not want that? 😉

In conclusion, these points show that classical music is very good for us. We underestimate it for no reason. Next time when you have to study put on the piece of Vivaldi’s “The Four Seasons,” particularly “Spring”, a piece of Mozart‘s or Debussy‘s. And if you are not able to feel the benefits of that – at least you will look smart and fancy!