Why thermonuclear energy is important by Dominykas Dautoras 8A

The global warming is a very important issue in our world. The temperature of the planet is increasing because if the greenhouse effect in our atmosphere. The atmosphere works like a greenhouse. Some of the gases there trap the heat from the sun, but don’t let it out. These gases are called greenhouse gases and the most common one is CO2. Carbon dioxide is made when carbon is being burnt. We burn a lot of carbon when we make energy. Most countries can change the way that they make energy by using alternative energy sources such as hydroelectricity, wind power or solar power. But some of them do not have enough sunlight, the wind might be weaker and there may not be any rivers nearby. It might seem like the only choice is burning fossil fuels. That is not true. Thermonuclear power is a way to make electricity by making a nuclear fusion in very high temperatures. Nuclear fusion is the same process that makes our sun and other stars “burn”. A lot of people are scared of using nuclear power, because they think that it is very unstable and is very dangerous to our environment. This isn’t true today, because scientists have made the nuclear plants less dangerous and more efficient. Another important thing is that the old nuclear plants rely on nuclear fission which uses heavy radioactive metals and produces a lot more nuclear waste than a thermonuclear reactor would. With a lot less waste produced, thermonuclear power would help us save the environment. The only real problem with thermonuclear power is that they have not been properly tested yet. Theoretically they should work perfectly, but only a handful have been built and none of them have produced any power yet. The first reactor should be properly working in 2020-2027. I believe that we should invest into thermonuclear energy, because it is the power of our future

“Thank you for being our home” by Simonas Jurkynas 8B

trees. Once I found an injured woodpecker, it didn’t seem to be aggressive or frightened and it was at that moment when I discovered that nature was my calling. When I grew up I could already detect the consequences of our actions against the nature. For example the lake near my villa – it was starting to get dirty and messy. I couldn’t watch calmly at what people have done to our beautiful lake. I started to think what we could do to save our beautiful planet from incoming devastation. Till this day I still think that we could save thousands of trees, plants and animals just by understanding the nature. But our planet hasn’t lost its charm yet. So let’s act and help her.
It is in our hands to save our small planet.
A link to a beautiful song about the Earth (English subtitles included) 🙄 

Ugnės recommendation: “Snow time”

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Snow time is a movie about some kids, one of them is an orphan. His daddy died in a war. Kids have a winter holiday, so they decide to play and have a real snow battle. They divide into 2 teams. First team’s leader is Luke, the orphan boy. Second team’s leader is Sophie, she and her younger sister are new in town. They moved from another city. Sophie’s team builds a big castle from snow, it’s amazing!!!!

Luke’s team is “living” in the storehouse. All teams prepare an arsenal of snowballs and shoot them at the enemies  😈 They have strict rules, for example – they fight only during the day. When the sun sets it’s truths.

Luke and Sophie don’t want to be angry with each other. They want to be friends. Together they go skiing, they like each other a lot 😳  One day Luke’s “army” makes some catapults and destroys part of the castle. As the castle goes down…the large peace of snow falls directly on the Pier’s dog Cleo. The fight is over… and Luke is very sad because he blames himself for the dog’s death 🙁 

So, Piers loses his dog. Luke comes to Cleo’s burial and plays a peace of music with his trumpet, the same music that was played at his father’s funeral. Piers says that Luke is not responsible for the death of Cleo. They remain friends and honor the lost dog.

After the burial the 2 teams unite and destroy what’s left of the snow castle together! Friendship wins:)

Some extracts from this movie you can see here:

What do you think about this story????

The pasta, the siesta, the pedagogy by Ieva Dabrilaitė

Erasmus exchange program is popular all over Europe and it gives students the opportunity to study abroad. I mean, what could be more challenging and adventurous than studying in a completely different country for some months?  Well, I can tell you from my own experience – Erasmus is a thing which you will never forget.

Firstly, last spring me and my group mate from Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences decided that we want to use all the opportunities given from our university and Erasmus was one of them. It took us some time to choose from a quite long list where to go; finally, we chose the University of Turin, which is located in Northern Italy. Maybe you have heard Turin as a capital of chocolate or that it hosts one of the best football teams in the world – Torino Juventus. Honestly, before coming to Turin we did not know what to expect and our knowledge about Turin was based on information found on the Internet!


We found many differences in Lithuanian and Italian lifestyles. For example, Italians do not get irritated if someone is late. Maybe that is because everyone is often late and it is just the way they live. Also, their eating habits differ.  No need to say that Italy is famous for its cuisine. We can see, usually, Italians portrayed as pasta eating people who drink wine in movies occasionally. Well, this is true. Italians have plenty of ways to cook pasta and they can eat it everyday day. As our university didn’t have a canteen, all the students were bringing their food containers which were usually filled with pasta. Eating in halls or sometimes even in audiences is an absolutely normal thing and we got used to that too!


Lectures are one more thing I would like to share my opinion about. The thing I liked the most and tried to convey in my teaching practice is the way teacher communicates with students. He never interrupts and diversity of opinions is considered as a good thing in classrooms. Teacher is not the one who shares knowledge, but the one who gives an opportunity for students to talk. I appreciated a lot that criticism was not used at all and it was replaced with some kind of advice. Erasmus gave me a chance to study the Italian language and learn its basics, which helped a lot to communicate while living there. However, sign language was often used to buy groceries or express that I really liked that cup of Cappuccino!


Talking from my own experience, me and my friend chose to spend more money on traveling and it was a decision I will never regret. Getting lost in small towns, laughing at missing a train (but not laughing so much when you need to spend a night in the railway station!), visiting museums, and meeting locals are just some random memories out of thousands. We managed to visit the capital of fashion Milan, were astonished of  the beauty of Renaissance birthplace Florence, and walked under popular arks of Bologna. Not only did we explore some little Italian towns as Aosta or Ivrea, but also had a great trip to Monaco and Cannes, France.  Adventures, adventures everywhere!

No need to say that Erasmus is a program which allows you to feel some kind of freedom. When I say freedom, I do not mean making spontaneous reckless decisions but more like feeling that you can travel the world and feel like living another life. You have the freedom to travel, to meet new people, to gain different knowledge, and to pursue your dreams.


I would suggest every pupil who is keen on challenging himself in their lives to take this opportunity. I guarantee discoveries and adventures you will never forget. As it is said, once Erasmus, always Erasmus!

Kolba on Climate Change

Climate change is a change of weather. Unfortunately, it is already happening, it’s not just a fear. It’s hard to deny that today climate change or in other words – global warming is a serious reason for concern. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change and other meteorological institutions prove that average yearly temperature has been steadily increasing during the last decades. The Earth’s average surface temperature has risen by 0.76° C since 1850. Most of the warming that has occurred over the last 50 years is very likely to have been caused by human activities. Over 95% of scientists agree that these changes are caused by the Greenhouse Effect. The statistic represents that carbon dioxide emissions increased by around nine billion metric tons over the past decade. Burning large amounts of fossil fuels – coal, oil, and natural gas is the root cause of global warming. The burning releases heat trapping gases in the atmosphere. So all these statistics represent that our world is getting warmer.

Climate change has a lot of negative factors. First of all, the sea levels have been rising, the number of floods in different parts of the world has increased dramatically. It is bad because salt water destroys the crops. Also seawater is contaminating rivers when it mixes with fresh water and the rivers are becoming polluted. That’s why many people are undernourished. Secondly, glaciers in the Northern Hemisphere have started to melt.  Millions of people depend on fresh water supply each year by natural spring melt. And thirdly, it’s ocean acidification. This process is caused by CO2 in the water, and may have negative effects on the entire oceanic food chain. So climate change has terrible effects.It is important to recognize that we should do something that could stop global warming. One of alternative ways would be to reduce CO2 emissions. The government should restrict traffic in the city center or allow Eco-friendly cars only. Also in my opinion countries should invest into renewable energy this way burning of fossil fuels could be reduced. In my view these solutions are the best way to prevent climate change.

To my mind, everybody could promote stopping global warming. I am worried about climate change, so I could motivate my parents and friends to limit car driving and using public transport instead. Also I could become a part of various events or organizations which invite people to adopt a ‘greener’ lifestyles. So there are a lot of ways how to reduce climate change. The most important thing is the desire to save our nature!


Sightseeing videos (Asking and giving information)

We hope these video tutorials will help you asking for information in a tourist office abroad 😳 

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Liepa (5c) presents the oldest theater studio in Lithuania


On 1985 Valerija Marcinkevičiūtė – Karalienė organized a studio called „Elementorius“. Now it‘s under the direction of Eglė and Gediminas Storpirščiai. „Elementorius“ is the oldest studio in Lithuania.

Many famous people attended Elementorius. Ingeborga Dapkūnaitė, Vytautas V. Landsbergis, Džiugas Siaurusaitis, Saulius Balandis and others started they way here.

Now I‘m attending this studio and it‘s really fun! We play acting games, take part in festivals and arrange christening ceremonies of the newcomers.


LEU students’ multiple opinion article “Why I Hate Politics”

“Frankly speaking, I don’t hate politics. However, if I said that I was interested in politics, I would be lying as well. Just because I personally don’t follow the latest news about politics or know much about the political systems and affairs between various countries doesn’t mean that I despise politics. Just like many young people nowadays, I don’t take part in political activities as well as don’t really have much knowledge concerning politics since it seems something that only serious elderly people can be involved in. To me, politics is like an empty house – barren and boring. But you are still surrounded by it, you cannot live without it. And when you look at this “empty house” up close, you realize how much work has been put into building and maintaining it; you realize that it is something rather complex when you start looking at all its crevices and cracks. Hence, you cannot run away from politics, even though, it might not be of any interest to you at all. Every person is a part of his/her country’s political system, whether they like it or not. That’s why I cannot claim that I hate politics – something that controls so many aspects of my life.” Laura Baniulytė, LEU 2nd year student of English philology

“To be honest, I found the statement ‘to hate politics’ rather extreme expressing my individual concern about political issues. In terms of my own beliefs, it would more accurate to state that ‘I don’t really hate politics, while the rest of the world really prompts me to do it’. Literally speaking, thousands of Lithuanians share either limited or fixed knowledge on the fact that approximately two-thirds of the people being in charge of governmental issues are kind of liars, corrupt people or the ones who will never deliver their promises. I cannot agree more, it is normal hate the ones who cheat and disappoint you all the time. However, the other side of this approach could be assumed as a typical human tendency to hate those who are in power and can take actions on others. It is easy to hate the ones, we disagree with, isn’t it? To that end, it is crucial to understand the reasons why are we constantly arguing about politics. Since, otherwise such ‘displeasure’ with political issues could be deemed as either a stereotypical thinking or an old habit against people who are in power. Thus, broadly speaking, these statements mostly lead to my own perception that I don’t really hate politics. I am aware of the fact that politicians are normally surrounded by affairs and tricky situations making them the worst and cynical people in the world. However, despite this, I’m trying to think critically all the time. In other words, I support convincing ideas which not only look nice to me, but also fit my own beliefs. Hence, I find myself being interested and keen on politics quite often. Besides, I consider such interest as rather useful and compulsory. Thus, such perception leads me to rethink the fact that we have no right to judge and criticize the final product if we were not involved in the process. Therefore, to my way of thinking, I can draw a conclusion that we shouldn’t try to escape from the things which affect our lives significantly or neither hate it, but start caring them from the very beginning.”  Miglė Grašytė, second year student of English philology.Miglė Grašytė's profile photo

Gabrielius Bružas second year student of English philology.

“I hate politics because a lot of politicians care more about their own wallet and acquiring power than about being sincere and reliable to the people who gave them the chance to sit in politician’s chair – to their own nation. The fact that most of the politicians are hypocrites is easily noticeable in every election. Generally, people who candidate for the position in the government would say anything to get that job. Every time the new elections come tons of guarantees for better life are seen. Some promise to lower the taxes, some promise to raise the wages and so on. The promises are always very beautiful but changes rarely come to life. The promises are mainly focused on the working class and the elderly because these people generally yearn for the changes so much that are willing to close their eyes and give their vote for the politician that promises the most. Obviously there are some sincere politicians but they are rarely elected because they do not build air castles of fake promises and appear less grandiose. Therefore, I hate politics because the people who were chosen by the nation are rarely those who truly care about their country and deserve trust.”Gintarė Ragauskaitė.
Austėja Maskoliūnaitė

II year student of English Philology

Eglė's profile photo

Eglė Gričinaitė