Help our planet – go green! by Juta Kvederaitė 7B

“Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.” Dr. Seuss, The Lorax.

We all want to help our planet. But how? The answer to that is sitting right in front of us – three times a day. By going vegetarian, you can reduce the impact of climate change, rain forest destruction, and pollution, while saving water and other precious resources.

Here are a few facts about the food you put on your plate :

Raising animals for food produces more greenhouse gas emissions (gases that trap heat in the atmosphere) than all of the cars, planes, and other forms of transportation combined. So switching to a diet free of eggs, dairy and meat saves more carbon emissions (CO2) than driving a Prius car.

   In the United States, 70% of grain grown is used for animals. We could end world hunger with that food, but instead we give that food away to animal farms.

“By definition we are in the “environment” right now. “Saving it” is saving ourselves. What is so hard to understand about that?”

About 30% of Earth’s land mass is used for raising animals for food (including land used for grazing and growing feed crops).

To produce one pound of animal protein vs. one pound of soy protein, it takes about 12x as much land, 13x as much fossil fuel, and 15x as much water.

The billions of chickens, turkeys, pigs, and cows who are crammed onto factory farms each year in the U.S. produce enormous amounts of methane (natural gas, the second most prevalent greenhouse gas in U.S.). “Pound for pound, the comparative impact of [methane] on climate change is 25 times greater than [carbon dioxide] over a 100-year period.”

     Why vegetarian isn’t enough – the production of dairy products necessitates the death of countless male calves that are of no use to the dairy farmer, as well as the premature death of cows slaughtered when their milk production decreases. Similarly, in the egg industry, involve the killing of the ‘unnecessary’ male chicks when they are only a day old.

Around 6mln. hectares of forest land a year an area equivalent to Latvia or twice the size of Belgium – is converted to farmland a year.

Animal waste contains many pathogens (anything that causes a disease) including salmonella, E coli, cryptosporidium, and fecal coliform, which can transfer to humans through water run-off, or manure, or touch. That makes us prone to diseases.

The meat eaters get increased chances of obesity, cancers, heart diseases and other illnesses as well as a hole in the pocket. A meat diet is generally considered twice as expensive as a vegetarian one. So why not be rich, healthy and help our planet at once by going vegan\vegetarian?

Animals eat large amounts of grain, soybeans, oats and corn; however they only produce a small amount of meat, dairy products and eggs in return.

To sum up, animal farms pollute the air, the water, use up our resources and spread cruelty to animals and much more! There has never been a better time to go green by eating green. Join me! “If you don’t like seeing pictures of violence towards animals being posted, you need to help stop the violence, not the pictures.” – Johnny Depp.

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