That Blue Ball by Veronika Poškutė 5D

planet is nice, but if we love it more then it will be much cleaner.

arth is not very clean so we must:

Recycle the rubbish

Use an electrical cars and save electricity

Don’t throw the rubbish to the ocean

Use less trees, don’t kill them

Keep it tidy

When there was an Earth day, my friends and I learned a lot about salt. It was really fun. I think we all know that we must to save our planet. This is very important. Sometimes even in movies we can see how people save the  Earth.

So many movies are depicted in natural places. Like Hobbit, The Chronicles of Narnia, In to the Woods etc.

Our planet must look like this, we just need more water…

Here is a picture to see how beautiful is Earth, but it can be more beautiful 😉 


I have one question to you. How much do you love Earth?