FREEDOM for me. By Girius

FREEDOM for me

If you’re free you can do everything just not against the law.

You can wear whatever you want. You can say whatever you want. You can be whatever you want.

FREEDOM is also respecting other people’s FREEDOM.

From history I know that some people thought that they are giving FREEDOM to other people but in practice they suppressed people who thought, behaved and were different.

If something is stopping you to seek for your dream! Don’t stop dreaming! Because dreaming is FREEDOM, too. If you want to be a doctor – be a doctor. If you want to be a teacher – be a teacher. And if you want to be anyone else – be.

What does FREEDOM mean to me?

For me FREEDOM is living your live like you want to.

Your choice.

Your opinion.

Your decision.

Your life.

Freedom. By Gabrielė


When I lose my freedom, I become sad, angry. Of course, my lack of freedom is just me not being able to go out with my friends. My lack of freedom is not being unable to have freedom of speech, being scared to go to school in the morning because maybe, just maybe, I could die. My lack of freedom is not real. It’s not what others may feel. It’s not being unable to dress however I want, love whoever I want, think and live however I want.

Sometimes I think about how they may feel, they, the people who can’t be themselves. Who have to lie. Actually, I think about this quite often. Maybe too often. I think about how we’re all not free. Trapped inside our heads thinking the same stuff, day to day… Nothing changes. Maybe, we’re all trapped inside the same routines, the ones that we have been living in for decades. Maybe we’re trapped here, in this world, and only after death will we know the meaning of freedom. And maybe, there’s nothing after death, and we have to feel freedom here, at least once in our lifetime. Maybe we came into existence just to become free. Maybe, some are free physically, some not, but we’ll feel free only if we break down those cages we’ve built within ourselves, the ones that we’ve declared as our home. And maybe, there’s no freedom. Maybe we’re all just prisoners, who will never understand the true meaning of the word FREE. And maybe, I’m just thinking too much about this again. I always think too much.

What Is Freedom. By Tomas Aukštuolis

What Is Freedom

Freedom is the best thing that you can have, but it’s not for everyone. Some people really like being free, some of them just don’t like freedom and some of them can’t even have freedom. So, why is this freedom so important?

Freedom is a thing that we can’t touch, but it is there if you actually believe in it. For some people it is very important, because they can make decisions by themselves. Get education where ever they could, talk a language they want, live a life however they want. But some of us don’t really care about freedom. They want someone else to make their own life decisions. And some people can’t have freedom. They hate the fact that they can’t have freedom, but some of them don’t care. Some of them will fight for freedom, or accept the unwanted faith.

In my opinion I care about freedom, because I want to make my own life decision. And you should make a choice of having freedom or not.

What is liberty for me? By Ignas Venskus

What is liberty for me?

What would you do if someone asks you to write a paragraph about freedom, liberty? Normally people would search some info on the internet about, what’s freedom? says that liberty is a free will as a contrast with determinism. But what would you say to a 3rd grader?

I’d choose to tell him about the history of Lithuania. When we weren’t free, when others wanted our land, we couldn’t say our opinion, it was forbidden to speak Lithuanian… What if you had to wait in queues for 3 hours, just to buy some bananas? What if you walk into a store and the shelves are empty. Not because the stuff was sold out, because food was never there. Compare that to these days… We can have what we want, whenever we want.

Don’t forget the days before liberty. Be happy you don’t belong to somebody else, but yourself.

Freedom. By Marius Valeika

I think freedom is ability to do whatever you want and go wherever you want. It let us feel free around everybody across the world. To talk to anybody about anything you like. Well you don’t understand what its like to be without a freedom, either I. But in late 40s our country was occupied by soviet union and our fathers had to live in occupied country with other people dictating their rules. Yea bad times there was. But hope, and bravery saved us. I guess there is nothing like freedom and there will never be, but right i can only sit down, relax and say (that was worth it).

Freedom. By Deimantė Mačiulytė

How I understand the word freedom. By Livija Pilipauskaitė

What is freedom?

Every person understands freedom differently. If you ask someone a simple question – “What is freedom?” Everyone will answer differently. But there are two types of freedom, in my opinion: internal and external freedom. Internal freedom means, when person can live like he wants, by his own rules, principles, norms. External freedom means, when one is imprisoned, living by someone else‘s instructions. These types of freedom are two incomparable things. Each freedom takes away the possibility to choose, express oneself. Neither will be happy, if there isn’t any kind of freedom, so mostly, freedom gives a person happiness. When an individual has freedom, he can create his own life as he wishes: have goals, choose studies, speak freely and much more.

For me personally, having freedom means when I can live following my own rules, live being myself, the way I imagine is right.

Every person must have his or her own freedom, countries deserve that too, because I believe, it is impossible to be free in an occupied country. Our country is free, after all those things with Russia in the past, we made it and we stand tall. I hope mu country it will be free – ALWAYS. Freedom for a country is essential.

We are still free, because we, people, believe in our country and we believe in ourselves. We united and defended our country. I am proud of our history as much as I am proud to be a Lithuanian.

The most expensive cats in the world. Top 5. By Ieva Šeiningaitė 6D

Cats are really cute sometimes funny animals.
Some people think that the cats don’t think but they truly do. Some male cats are born with 3 different fur colors. They could be brown, light brown or super ginger.
There are very many kinds of cats. But now I’m going to talk about the high cost cats.

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