Freedom- what is it? By Vytis

If you ask a young child what freedom is he will probably give you not a serious answer like “Eating as many chocolate cookies as you wish”. Everyone will give you a different answer based on their personal life and guess what? Everyone is correct! Ok but I’m here to say something more serious than freedom of eating cookies. There are a few types of freedom- freedom of speech, freedom of acting, freedom of choice.

Maybe it is easier living under someone’s control than being free and having to think what clever are you doing tomorrow. It is way easier writing when your teacher gives you a specific topic than thinking on your own, so if someone asks me if I want to be free as a bird I would say no, of course I would love to sleep for a few extra hours now and then but not free as doing something stupid that suddenly pops in your head.

Freedom is one of the most important things in this world, people fight for freedom, people die for freedom because being free means being happy.