Imaginary situations: “If I were….I would”. Second Conditional: “Problem – Solution” Essay Examples

I am a Lithuanian citizen and live in Vilnius. I would like to discuss some problems such as pollution, recycling and construction of football stadium in Vilnius.

Let me start about pollution. People use too much private cars to go to work or shopping or drive short distances. Many experts have highlighted that Vilnius’ inhabitants prefer cars rather than public transport. On the one hand, there is a problem of connection between suburbs and the centre. On the other, people have developed habits which they do not want to change. I think that there is a significant potential to build up new habits. Recently new busses and trolleybuses drive in the streets. They are equipped with air conditioners, have more space, provide information on destination etc. I would suggest making better advertisements and messages about the benefits of public transport for Vilnius inhabitants, promote going by scooters or bikes and motivate walking.

We all face the problem of climate change and unfortunately contribute to it by our deliberate act not to recycle. Though the city authorities build more and more recycle bins around living premises, people lack consciousness to recycle. Additionally, there are no any such bins in the city centre. I would strongly recommend to put them on the streets and squares and regularly clean them. It would be great to raise awareness about less use of plastic and encourage businesses to use environment-friendly sale-materials. I believe this would help to reduce trash that pollutes our planet.

And last but not least – I have a feeling that the construction of football stadium by using public money does not match the interest of all population. I think it is not fair to invest people’s money to football stadium when there is lack of investment to other sport activities for all inhabitants and make them equally accessible and useful. I support the necessity to promote healthy life and think that more programs and sport activities could be developed at schools.

Sincerely Yours,


On the one hand considering the number of people disliking this town it gets scary, but on the other hand, I don`t think it`s too bad. Of course there are some problems. And these are a few things that I would change. Firstly, I would build some bicycle tracks. Secondly, people should start recycling more. And thirdly, I would take into account what people are suggesting, because they matter.

If I were the mayor I would build some bicycle tracks so people could go to work, school or any other place of their choice by bicycle, that way we could be reducing the amount of cars and pollution at the same time. Secondly, I would provide people with four different rubbish bins so everyone could recycle their stuff easier. Thirdly, I would encourage citizens to say what they think is best for our town and its surroundings.

I think all of these things would make a big, positive impact on my town. In my opinion, the most important thing to do is to force people to recycle, because it`s not only good for us, but it also benefits the environment a lot.

Kristupas Čeika

My town is a great place to live, but there are a few problems here too. Firstly, there is too much noise in the town center. Secondly, some of the shops don’t have enough cheap products for people. And thirdly, there are a lot of violent crimes here.

If we could make a difference, we would ban cars from the town center, and force people to cycle more.

Secondly, We would create an event to collect money. In this event people should dress up in dog costumes and share chocolate with others. The money from this event would sponsor shops, so they could buy more products in bulk and sell them cheaper so people would be happier and also shops would make more profit.

Thirdly, to make the streets safer, we would encourage people to report about the crimes they saw.

We think, if we changed these things people would lead safer and happier lives.

Kotryna Kutkauskaitė and Deimantė Mačiulytė

My town is a great place to live, but there are a few problems too. So firstly, the air quality in here isn‘t good enough. Secondly, there is a lot of litter in woods, parks, town streets even in the town center. And thirdly, there are a lot of unemployed people.

If I were a mayor, to reduce air pollution, I would encourage people to cycle or walk more, it would be better for the town and for the people‘s health. To make the town cleaner, I would encourage people to sort their trash, also I would make it illegal to drop litter in the streets, parks or somewhere else, and I would provide more rubbish bins. To reduce the number of people with unemployment, I think, I would pass a law to provide everyone with a job or some kind of occupation, where they’d get a place to live in. I believe that it would reduce homelessness.

In my opinion, these actions would improve life in my town. But if I could only do one thing, I would reduce air pollution. Fresh air improves everybody‘s health and it benefits nature too. LET’S TAKE CARE OF OUR PLANET 😉

Livija Pilipauskaitė

Collaboration with J. Basanavičius gymnasium. Exemplary essay writing. By Urtė Bajarūnaitė 4E


Are role models needed in today’s society?

Choosing wisely which path to take in life is a hard task on its own but it has become even more difficult nowadays due to the world of infinite opportunities and materialism. In such a variety of alternative ways of living a person need someone to look up to. Role models not only help developing certain character traits but also forming moral values.

While the majority of world’s population has sunken into the depths of self-interest and purposeless pursuit of wealth, role models show that spiritual values are still as important as ever. Though it is rather hard for a person not to get seduced by material wellness and not to forget the more important things in life, some stand out of the crowd and demonstrate an inexplicable sense of selflessness and dedication seeking for the greater good. Charity workers, scientists, politicians, teachers or people who are simply trying to make a difference in the world with no intentions of self-promotion or rewards are the ones that restore faith in moral principles. Instances of self-sacrifice for families, nations or development of the world make people reconsider their own values and even reinvent themselves as better individuals.

Today’s society demands people to be self-centered and vicious in order for them to make something of themselves, but role models exhibit qualities which lead to a more purposeful life. The need of adaptation may force one to become indifferent, passive and unconfident. Having a kind-hearted, persistent or compassionate person to look up to motivates to take up these traits. For example, a young girl called MalalaYousafzai, who fought for freedom of education to all in a country overruled by the relentless Taliban, showed extreme courage and determination overcoming hindrances in her way inspiring thousands if not millions of youngsters to be brave and have perseverance in reaching their goals. Following the right icons can embrace the best qualities of a person.

All in all, having a role model in such socially difficult and confusing times is undeniably important so that priorities could be set right and one’s personality enriched.

Author: Urtė Bajarūnaitė 4e

Teacher: Akvilė Katauskytė – Burokienė.