FREEDOM for me and for my country. By Aistė Noreikaitė

We read about freedom, dream about freedom, rejoice in the notion of freedom, but what do we mean by freedom?

Freedom means many things to many people, to majority freedom is the ability to speak native language, read chosen books and for some people freedom is the ability to live and breathe in their free country. Freedom is the ability to be what you want to be and choose to do things you love, but for most reasonable people, freedom means more than just ‘free to do whatever I want’. Most of our lives depend on freedom. There has been a time when people thought that freedom was important enough to fight for it.

Freedom as internal and external

It is our duty to protect freedom of speech, religion. Only free people can understand that all people are equal despite their nationality, sex, color, religion, language, or any other status.

What freedom means to me

I think freedom is important. It means getting to do what I want to do, making my own choices. It means that I can live where I want to live and go to church I choose to go to. You do not have to ask anyone for permission to do these things when you have freedom.

Freedom means being able to read whatever books you want and watch what you want on television. Mostly, when you are free, it means that you can have your own opinion and that you can share that opinion with other people even if they don’t agree with you.

Lithuanian Freedom

Other countries tried to take away the freedom of Lithuania but we didn’t give up, we were fighting for our freedom, and now we can call ourselves the free people of the free country.

Can we buy freedom? By Lėja Ananjevaitė

To me, freedom is something you can’t buy for money but also can’t get for free. Freedom is something that you need to deserve and fight for.

The thing I’m very proud of is the freedom of our country. To me it’s very important because now we can do way more than before when we were not an independent country. For example now we can say whatever we want, speak our native language, have our own laws and much more. Most people don’t even bother thinking about the cost of freedom. I think it’s because we haven’t fought for something so valuable and important not only for us as individuals, but also for the entire country, as a nation. I think a younger generation should be more familiar with the history of our freedom, since we have national holidays that celebrate freedom of Lithuania. But sometimes I feel like we should teach kids more about it because every Lithuanian should know the history behind those holidays too. Maybe we should teach about it more because it’s something we should be proud and not ashamed of, the struggle of our nation for freedom is impressive and worth remembering. I personally was very interested when I first heard about the holidays that celebrate freedom of my country, in fact, I started asking my family to tell me more stories about how they fought for freedom. But it is just my personal experience. I hope future generations will remember and appreciate the cost that our ancestors had to pay so we can live like we do now!

Freedom. By Deimantė Mačiulytė

How I understand the word freedom. By Livija Pilipauskaitė

What is freedom?

Every person understands freedom differently. If you ask someone a simple question – “What is freedom?” Everyone will answer differently. But there are two types of freedom, in my opinion: internal and external freedom. Internal freedom means, when person can live like he wants, by his own rules, principles, norms. External freedom means, when one is imprisoned, living by someone else‘s instructions. These types of freedom are two incomparable things. Each freedom takes away the possibility to choose, express oneself. Neither will be happy, if there isn’t any kind of freedom, so mostly, freedom gives a person happiness. When an individual has freedom, he can create his own life as he wishes: have goals, choose studies, speak freely and much more.

For me personally, having freedom means when I can live following my own rules, live being myself, the way I imagine is right.

Every person must have his or her own freedom, countries deserve that too, because I believe, it is impossible to be free in an occupied country. Our country is free, after all those things with Russia in the past, we made it and we stand tall. I hope mu country it will be free – ALWAYS. Freedom for a country is essential.

We are still free, because we, people, believe in our country and we believe in ourselves. We united and defended our country. I am proud of our history as much as I am proud to be a Lithuanian.