Collaboration with J. Basanavičius gymnasium. Exemplary essay writing. By Urtė Bajarūnaitė 4E


Are role models needed in today’s society?

Choosing wisely which path to take in life is a hard task on its own but it has become even more difficult nowadays due to the world of infinite opportunities and materialism. In such a variety of alternative ways of living a person need someone to look up to. Role models not only help developing certain character traits but also forming moral values.

While the majority of world’s population has sunken into the depths of self-interest and purposeless pursuit of wealth, role models show that spiritual values are still as important as ever. Though it is rather hard for a person not to get seduced by material wellness and not to forget the more important things in life, some stand out of the crowd and demonstrate an inexplicable sense of selflessness and dedication seeking for the greater good. Charity workers, scientists, politicians, teachers or people who are simply trying to make a difference in the world with no intentions of self-promotion or rewards are the ones that restore faith in moral principles. Instances of self-sacrifice for families, nations or development of the world make people reconsider their own values and even reinvent themselves as better individuals.

Today’s society demands people to be self-centered and vicious in order for them to make something of themselves, but role models exhibit qualities which lead to a more purposeful life. The need of adaptation may force one to become indifferent, passive and unconfident. Having a kind-hearted, persistent or compassionate person to look up to motivates to take up these traits. For example, a young girl called MalalaYousafzai, who fought for freedom of education to all in a country overruled by the relentless Taliban, showed extreme courage and determination overcoming hindrances in her way inspiring thousands if not millions of youngsters to be brave and have perseverance in reaching their goals. Following the right icons can embrace the best qualities of a person.

All in all, having a role model in such socially difficult and confusing times is undeniably important so that priorities could be set right and one’s personality enriched.

Author: Urtė Bajarūnaitė 4e

Teacher: Akvilė Katauskytė – Burokienė.

LEU students’ multiple opinion article “Why I Hate Politics”

“Frankly speaking, I don’t hate politics. However, if I said that I was interested in politics, I would be lying as well. Just because I personally don’t follow the latest news about politics or know much about the political systems and affairs between various countries doesn’t mean that I despise politics. Just like many young people nowadays, I don’t take part in political activities as well as don’t really have much knowledge concerning politics since it seems something that only serious elderly people can be involved in. To me, politics is like an empty house – barren and boring. But you are still surrounded by it, you cannot live without it. And when you look at this “empty house” up close, you realize how much work has been put into building and maintaining it; you realize that it is something rather complex when you start looking at all its crevices and cracks. Hence, you cannot run away from politics, even though, it might not be of any interest to you at all. Every person is a part of his/her country’s political system, whether they like it or not. That’s why I cannot claim that I hate politics – something that controls so many aspects of my life.” Laura Baniulytė, LEU 2nd year student of English philology

“To be honest, I found the statement ‘to hate politics’ rather extreme expressing my individual concern about political issues. In terms of my own beliefs, it would more accurate to state that ‘I don’t really hate politics, while the rest of the world really prompts me to do it’. Literally speaking, thousands of Lithuanians share either limited or fixed knowledge on the fact that approximately two-thirds of the people being in charge of governmental issues are kind of liars, corrupt people or the ones who will never deliver their promises. I cannot agree more, it is normal hate the ones who cheat and disappoint you all the time. However, the other side of this approach could be assumed as a typical human tendency to hate those who are in power and can take actions on others. It is easy to hate the ones, we disagree with, isn’t it? To that end, it is crucial to understand the reasons why are we constantly arguing about politics. Since, otherwise such ‘displeasure’ with political issues could be deemed as either a stereotypical thinking or an old habit against people who are in power. Thus, broadly speaking, these statements mostly lead to my own perception that I don’t really hate politics. I am aware of the fact that politicians are normally surrounded by affairs and tricky situations making them the worst and cynical people in the world. However, despite this, I’m trying to think critically all the time. In other words, I support convincing ideas which not only look nice to me, but also fit my own beliefs. Hence, I find myself being interested and keen on politics quite often. Besides, I consider such interest as rather useful and compulsory. Thus, such perception leads me to rethink the fact that we have no right to judge and criticize the final product if we were not involved in the process. Therefore, to my way of thinking, I can draw a conclusion that we shouldn’t try to escape from the things which affect our lives significantly or neither hate it, but start caring them from the very beginning.”  Miglė Grašytė, second year student of English philology.Miglė Grašytė's profile photo

Gabrielius Bružas second year student of English philology.

“I hate politics because a lot of politicians care more about their own wallet and acquiring power than about being sincere and reliable to the people who gave them the chance to sit in politician’s chair – to their own nation. The fact that most of the politicians are hypocrites is easily noticeable in every election. Generally, people who candidate for the position in the government would say anything to get that job. Every time the new elections come tons of guarantees for better life are seen. Some promise to lower the taxes, some promise to raise the wages and so on. The promises are always very beautiful but changes rarely come to life. The promises are mainly focused on the working class and the elderly because these people generally yearn for the changes so much that are willing to close their eyes and give their vote for the politician that promises the most. Obviously there are some sincere politicians but they are rarely elected because they do not build air castles of fake promises and appear less grandiose. Therefore, I hate politics because the people who were chosen by the nation are rarely those who truly care about their country and deserve trust.”Gintarė Ragauskaitė.
Austėja Maskoliūnaitė

II year student of English Philology

Eglė's profile photo

Eglė Gričinaitė